James, Paul, Mick and Pete J.
Dennis, Adrian, James, Paul and Mick.
Battle of Britain Class 34062, '17 Squadron' passes the military sidings on its approach to Tors road bridge.
The completed layout being set up in the main hall for a full testing weekend.
Layout testing in James's shed.
Photographs taken at our recent Risex 2016 exhibition, this shows what progress has been made by taking these boards offsite (James's shed) and working on them during week days by a group of members.
Most of our members have not seen this part of the layout until is was brought back to the Club on the Friday setup of Risex, this is only half of the scenic section, when this was brought down the other half was moved
to James's shed so work could start on that. Work to get the layout as you see it above is mainly down to the
great efforts by the members listed below:
Main Station Building by Jennifer
Goods Shed by Adrian
Turntable by Adrian and Ian G
Coal Stage by Tim
Cattle Dock by Roy
Water Tower Bottom by Michael
Water Tower Tank by John C
Engine Shed by Russ and John C
Ballasting by Tim, James and Phil
Grassland by Tim. James and John
Hills and Roadway by Pete J
Telegraph Poles by Michael
All Small Huts by Michael